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Helmets from Texas to Ukraine via Chicago

Chicago 3/25/2022 


The helmets were donated by Mr. Chris Austin Jr. the owner of Sea-Long Medical Systems.

You can get our online training course for free!

Here are two videos with the details, in English and in Russian.

Russian language video

English language video

If you know how to use Helmet based ventilation:


Each box includes:


10 or 11 Helmet kits:

  • 1 Bacterial/viral filter - can be used as a muffler on the inspiratory port or prevent infection to spread into the environment.

  • 1 Adapter to connect the filter and PEEP valve

  • 1 PEEP valve

  • 5 Hood clips 

  • 2 Underarm straps

1 Manual from the Manufacturer

1 Measuring tape to measure neck circumference

Video (11 min) How to assemble helmet - video from Manufacturer:


0:36 - measure patient's neck 

1:24 - cut the neck seal

2:40 - apply the helmet

6:14 - unpacking the kit

7:25 - assemble the helmet

8:59 - apply clips and underarm straps


Video (6.5 min) Set up by Dr. Cereda - connected helmet to max Ventury to deliver CPAP therapy.



If you want to learn how to use helmet based ventilation:


Free online course (in English):


Module 1: Introduction to NIV 

Module 2: Helmet NIV Indications, Set-up, and Applications 

Module 3: Monitoring, Titration, and End of Treatment 

Module 4: Helmet NIV Issues and Solutions 

Module 5: Helmet NIV Champions

Module 6: Helmets and Other Accessories


Modules 2,3, and 4 are the most important and practical for first-time helmet users.


Supplemental material:


  1. Remember that Helmet CPAP is the easiest and most beneficial therapy for most patients. Helmet NIV or bi-level ventilation will require specific settings on the vent. 

Here is the cheat sheet to use when setting up a ventilator:


NOTE: With BiPAP, there are two pressure levels that need to be set.  The expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP), and the inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP). Set pressures at 50% higher levels than used with the Face Mask. On BIPAP set the rise time or the speed on the lowest setting as possible and there will be no issues with the triggering. 


  1. Nursing Checklist for Helmet based ventilation:


  1. Mobile Smart Procedure Based on The University of Pennsylvania Medicine Guidelines, Dr. Maurizio F. Cereda (05/25/2020) - Can be downloaded and used offline. 

Free access:

Username: covid19 / Password: Covid19!

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DISCLAIMER: All research and clinical material published on this website is for informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. Patients and consumers should review the information carefully with their professional health care provider. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. This website will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom. 

We share tips and ideas from those using helmets, but these may be off-label and untested ideas and should not be construed as medical advice, FDA approved modifications or proven safe or effective.  Please consider these with caution.

Supported by Hospital safety barriers.

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